Today, Anuradha teaches 12 learners from her slum area. After opening up Usha Silai School, she has undergone a transformation that has benefited her personally and professionally.
By putting efforts in Silai School, she could attain self-sufficiency and provide for her family in the most appalling circumstances.
Prabha is truly a change maker at heart, what she desires more than anything is to change the lives of other women; this is how she is serving her community.
She is teaching 6 learners at her Silai School. The role of a teacher became crucial in elevating her self-esteem & confidence.
From being a shy and introverted woman, married off at 16, to now this enterprising woman who is a teacher and a tailor as well.
The village which she comes from is a hub for drug addicts and this also affected her family.
Some of her students are working in garments factories at Bengaluru.
Silai School Training program boosted her confidence and improved her quality of work,
Sumitra Devi comes from one of the most backward districts of India where she got married at the age of 14.
Her achievements have been published in local newspapers describing how she has become a role model to other women of her village.