Learners Trained


Silai Schools In India


Partner NGOs


Corporate/Govt Partnerships


What Are USHA Silai Schools?

USHA Silai School is a self employment model where Silai Schools are household level self-sustaining micro-enterprises. Women earn by imparting sewing skills, taking work orders for stitching garments and provide mechanical servicing of sewing machines. USHA in partnership with local NGOs, sets up Silai Schools in some of the country's most remote and rural corners. The NGO partners facilitate and support USHA to identify and motivate rural women to get skilled in sewing and stitching and create ripple effect of skill development forming a network of self-reliant and enterprising women.

And that's not all. Every time someone buys an USHA sewing machine, more than 1% of that sale amount is invested in the Silai School Program. That is how we share our love for women who may not be as privileged.

Adopt A Silai School

Everyday USHA Silai Schools are helping hundreds of women in sewing and entrepeneurial skills and changing their lives. Even you can now contribute to the noble cause by adopting an USHA Silai School or support other aspects of the initiative.


Partner With Us

USHA would love to partner with like-minded individuals, government institutions and corporates who are focused on empowering women in rural areas. We hope to liaise and create Silai Schools across all villages of India and also in neighbouring countries in the SAARC region. Here is why you should partner with USHA

Promotes skill development, rural women entrepreneurship and women empowerment.

Marginalised and poor women can earn a dignified livelihood and lead better lives.

Contributing to Sustainable Development Goals- No Poverty, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth and Partnership for Goals

From the Heart of Silai Schools

After attending the Silai School training and establishing one myself, my self-confidence increased and I'm really happy. I manage my family and meet all household expenses including my kid’s school expenses from the income of the USHA Silai School, without depending on my husband's income.

Matilda Mary

My Usha Silai School has given me an opportunity to forget the pain of death of my husbnad and look at the bright side of life. I believe, I'm also making a change in the society through my Silai School by teaching other women and girls the skill of sewing and stitching and making a difference in my as well as others life

Anita Kanwar

Before setting up my USHA Silai School, I was a very shy person. My husband met with an accident and couldn’t work regularly. Now, the money I earn from the Usha Silai School is very helpful to run our family. Through my Silai school activities, my self-confidence has increased and I strongly believe I can achieve my dreams.


Share Your Love

Stories of Hope And Change

Every USHA Silai School is spearheaded by women entrepreneurs who are breaking stereotypes. Through their enthusiasm and grit they are not only earning a livelihood, but also changing economic and social landscapes. These are their stories.